5 Surprising Facts about Durian
5 Surprising Facts about Durian

5 Surprising Facts about Durian


With its onion-custard flavor and an odor that resembles rotten gym socks, the durian fruit is perhaps the most notorious fruit of all. While supermarkets are slowly beginning to offer more internationally popular fruits, durian has yet to reach mainstream attention. The “why” isn’t much of a mystery. Along with its horrible smell, this prickly fruit is large, heavy, and unwieldy with its dangerous, spikey outer shell (eye injuries are common during harvesting season).  But, regardless of its taste, aroma, or appearance, it is a nutritional powerhouse packed with antioxidants and vitamins. Let’s take a look at a few of the lesser mentioned benefits of durian fruit.

Top Facts about Durian

In the realm of acquired tastes, durian is right up there in the “expert level” category. Its odor is distinct and pervasive; some public places in Southeastern Asia even ban durian from the premises due to its lingering, pervasive aroma. Here are some quick facts about durian that you may find interesting:

1. Durian May Warm the Body

In Indian herbalism, durian is considered a warming food and it may have a slight hyperthermic effect on the body, causing the body to feel warmer following consumption. Like many warming spices, including garlic, cinnamon, and cloves, durian contains sulphides and other compounds known for inducing a warming sensation.

2. Durian May Help Ease a Cough

Animal models have shown that durian shell extract is powerful for fighting a stubborn cough.While the mechanism behind this benefit is unknown, researchers believe that the fruit’s analgesic and antibacterial properties may be the main contributors.

3. Durian May Worsen Kidney Disease

Durian is high in potassium, a nutrient necessary for proper nerve and muscle function.  Normally this would be a benefit but individuals with kidney disease need to monitor their potassium levels in order to keep their condition under control. Therefore, durian should not be consumed by persons with end stage renal disease or any other type of kidney disease.

4. Durian Fruit is Loaded with Antioxidants

Antioxidants provide a lot of benefits, and to describe all of their benefits in one paragraph is virtually impossible. In a nutshell, antioxidants support healthy aging, protect the heart, reduce DNA and cell mutation, and support brain and skin health. If you’re not bothered by the aroma and the taste of durian, you may want to consider adding it to your diet!

5. Durian May Promote Normal Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a rising concern among many Americans today. Despite the nation’s war on fat and dietary cholesterol, high cholesterol and triglycerides (fats in the blood) continues to rise. Durian has been shown to support normal cholesterol levels, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.

Adding Durian Fruit to Your Diet

Durian can be a healthy addition to your daily diet, one that will give you an extra edge to your well being this new year. Although it’s best not to consume it in a social setting (don’t bring it to work), you should still try it to see whether or not you enjoy its flavor. Look for durian at your local international food market or health food store. While dried durian is available for purchase, you’re best off consuming the whole, fresh form of the fruit for optimum nutrition.
Have you ever tried durian? What were your experiences? Let us know how you like (or don’t like) the fruit in the comments!


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  4. Wu MZ1, Xie G, Li YX, et al. Cough-relieving, analgesic and antibiotic effects of durian shell extracts: a study in mice. Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. 2010 Apr;30(4):793-7.
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  6. Leontowicz H1, Leontowicz M, Haruenkit R, et al. Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) cultivars as nutritional supplementation to rat’s diets. Food Chem Toxicol. 2008 Feb;46(2):581-9.
  7. Leontowicz M1, Leontowicz H, Jastrzebski Z, et al. The nutritional and metabolic indices in rats fed cholesterol-containing diets supplemented with durian at different stages of ripening. Biofactors. 2007;29(2-3):123-36.
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Global Healing Center does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Global Healing Center are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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