Macross Delta is set in the year 2067, 8 years after the events of the latest Macross TV series, Macross Frontier. The story focuses on Walküre, a team of talented idols and the Delta Squadron, a team of experienced Valkyrie pilots as they battle against the Var Syndrome, a mysterious phenomena that is consuming the galaxy and there is also the mysterious Aerial Knights Valkyrie fighter team of the Kingdom of Wind.
Blu-ray release of Idol Group Walkure live held at Yokohama Arena on January 29, 2017!
- Tracklist
- Yokoso! Walküre World e (ようこそ! ワルキューレ・ワールドヘ)
- Hear The Universe
- MC1
- Absolute 5
- Ikenai Borderline (いけないボーダーライン)
- MC2
- Gilitic♡BEGINNER (ジリティック♡BEGINNER)
- Onya no Ko☆girl (おにゃの子☆girl)
- Silent Hacker
- Walküre no Birthday Song (Video)
- God Bless You
- Kaze wa Yokoku Naku Fuku ~Freyja Solo~ (風は予告なく吹く ~Freyja Solo~)
- AXIA ~Daisuki de Daikirai~ (AXIA 〜ダイスキでダイキライ〜)
- GIRAFFE BLUES ~Kaname Solo Requiem~
- Melody Chubak – Aura Sura ~Hikaru Kaze~ (オーラ・サーラ〜光る風〜)
- Melody Chubak – Zardo Vaasa! ~Ketsui no Kaze~ (ザルド・ヴァーサ!〜決意の風〜)
- Mikumo (CV: JUNNA) & Mikumo (CV: Koshimizu Ami) – Luchet Alcane ~Hoshi no Uta~ (ルーチェット・アルカーン〜星の歌〜)
- MC3
- Namidame Bakuhatsuon ~with Claire~ (涙目爆発音 ~with Claire~)
- Bokura no Senjou (僕らの戦場; Our Battlefield)
- Walküre Attack!
- Hametsu no Junjou (破滅の純情)
- Zettai Reido θ Novatic (絶対零度θノヴァティック)
- MC4
- Ichido Dake no Koi Nara (一度だけの恋なら)
- Encore~MC5
- MC6
- Walküre ga Tomaranai
- MC7
- Ai Oboete Imasu ka (愛・おぼえていますか)
- Koi! Halation THE WAR (恋! ハレイション THE WAR)
- W Encore~MC8
- Rune ga Pikatto Hikattara (ルンがピカッと光ったら)
- Bonus
- “Walküre ga Tomaranai” Music Video
- Documentary of “Walküre ga Tomaranai”
Title: Walkure LIVE 2017 “WALKURE ga Tomaranai” at Yokohama Arena
Tipe: Blu-ray Disc – RAW
Rilis: 31 Mei 2017
Durasi: 3 Jam 13 Menit
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